NIDO had throughout its implementation of projects and programs, did not for a moment ,lost focus on vital issues for human dignity, peace and prosperity thus, the issues of Human Rights, Peace building and economic growth were ever present.
Many activities in this regard were implemented such as:
1- Youth for Peace and Recovery project with the UNDP
2- Peace building as crosses cutting issue in all activities and projects
3- School Messages on Peace
4- Campaigning with communities on Peaceful Coexistence
5-Community leaders training on conflict resolution
6- Media and Radio Messages on issues regarding peace ,.
7- TOT on Conflict resolution in east and south Darfur
8- Stability through economic resilience and small grants.
9- Fare use and share of natural resources
10- Formation of Youth Clubs for Peace in East Darfur
11- Women empowerment on political and decision making arenas.
12- Conference for tribal Leaders on Addressing community conflicts.