National Initiatives for Development Organization (NIDO)

Core Values

NIDO will focus on the core principles and values on which the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement was founded. These principles and values, which include humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence, influence its work, both in time of crisis and during routine tasks. NIDO was established to improve human suffering worldwide, without discrimination, based solely on need. It has carried through its commitment to these values and firmly believes that they can be strong guide in our humanitarian intervention.

  1. Human dignity and Gender equality
  2. All women and men are equal. They have equal rights in the society and participate in the development activities equally.
  3. NIDO will ensure participation of all poor people living in the working areas and provide special emphasis to the women participation as they considerably in backward position.
  4. All NIDO staff shall have the equal opportunities for promotion based on their experience and qualification considering gender perspective.
  5. NIDO Staff and management will ensure gender justice in all aspect of the organization.